Southern rust in corn: A late season confirmation

Kiersten Wise, Extension Plant Pathologist

Southern rust of corn, caused by the fungus Puccinia polysora, was confirmed in Kentucky on August 8, in Todd County. As of August 8, we have only confirmed the disease in Todd County, but with our current weather conducive for disease development, it will not be surprising to see additional confirmations across the state. Southern rust is typically confirmed in mid-July in Kentucky, so this is a later than normal confirmation, and much of the corn in Kentucky, particularly western KY, is likely past the growth stage where there will be a positive economic benefit of a fungicide application. Previous research from southern states indicates that fungicides may be needed to protect yield while corn is in the tasseling through milk (VT-R3) growth stages. Once corn is past milk (R3), fungicides are likely not needed to manage the disease. If fields have already received a fungicide application this year at tasseling/silking (VT/R1), they are not likely to need a second application of fungicide. Fields that were sprayed pre-tassel (V10-V14) should be scouted carefully to determine disease presence and progression and determine if an additional fungicide application is needed.

Very late planted fields of high-value corn that is still pre-tassel should be scouted to determine if the disease is present before deciding on a fungicide application. Fungicide application may be beneficial in certain fields of late-planted corn, but this should be determined on a case-by-case basis.

More information on timing of fungicide applications for southern rust can be found in Table 2 of the Crop Protection Network publication “Southern Rust” which can be read here: The efficacy of specific fungicide products for southern rust are described in the updated fungicide efficacy table for management of corn diseases, which is developed by the national Corn Disease Working Group, and posted on the Crop Protection Network website:

It will be important to scout and monitor fields over the next few weeks and submit samples to the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (PDDL) through local County Extension Agents if you suspect you have southern rust in a field.

Southern rust is first observed as raised, dusty orange pustules on the upper surface of the leaf (Fig. 1). Pustules will typically be present only on the upper surface of the leaf. The disease is easily confused with common rust, which produces pustules on both sides of the leaf. Common rust (Puccinia sorghi), can be found sporadically in Kentucky corn fields and is not economically important to manage, so it is important to distinguish between the two diseases before applying fungicide. If southern rust is suspected, the fastest way to get a diagnosis through the PDDL is to submit samples through County Agents. Confirmations of southern rust will be posted on the cornipmpipe website here: On the map, red counties/parishes indicate that southern rust has been confirmed by university/Extension personnel.

Figure 1. Southern rust on corn (photo by Kiersten Wise)

CornJennifer Elwell